Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gangnam Style and a Manosphere wet dream

Gangnam Style...
It has plenty to answer for :-)

I just caught onto this phenomenon!
Told you I was slow...

Perhaps if I had heard about this sooner, I would have included it in my 'Humour' post.
It afterall epitomises the 'goofiness' that I find so endearing in men.

Gangnam Style on its own is funny enough:

But as one would expect, there are also some very good parodies out there...
I present to you a very British one :-)
These ladies sure know how to have a laugh. And... they make this video for a good cause - to raise money for charity.
Would any man here turn up his nose at any one of these lovely women?
Isn't this the ultimate man's dream?
A beautiful woman who is also feminine, not too fat, enjoys her work (both in and out of the home) and has a sense of humour to boot?
Sure, it may just be a comedy sketch, but of course there are many women like this out there...
Ah, these ones are obviously taken :-)
But nevermind, there are some who are not yet taken who aspire to this *wink, wink*.
More on the theme of humour, there is another Youtube sensation that has recently caught my attention. And again, it's British, hehe.
This man is of Pakistani origin, I believe. The story goes that he came to Britain to learn how to run a business.
He started selling fish in a market in East London, and (clever man!) knowing that over 90% of his customers would be women, he started singing to them to charm them into buying his fish:
His antics were filmed by one of his customers who uploaded it onto Youtube, and now, this song is heading for number one in the British charts!
(I like how the female dancers have fish-scale-like attire - very apt).
If I still lived in London, I would buy this man's fish for £5 :-)
Just for making me laugh. Seriously.
We ladies lap up this sort of thing. We just can't help ourselves.
One woman was so impressed with this man that she set the ball rolling propelling him into stardom.
Here he is on the British version of 'The X Factor' (from around 2:40).
Good on him. I hope his business and his career as a singer really take off.
Anyone else know of any inspirational and heartwarming stories such as these?
If you can somehow weave into them the man-woman interaction theme, even better!
It would be way too cheesy to say 'Have a Gangnam style Christmas', so I won't say it.


zagamaphatoadis said...

Nah, This girl is most men's dream girl.

This Old Man said...


Though personally I would rather have preferred

and she sounds intelligent on interviews

Spacetraveller said...


Welcome to The Sanctuary!
Crikey, I don't think I have EVER seen anyone play the violin quite like this - with so much exuberance!

I see what you mean. This woman is very attractive because of her obvious agility, youth and zest for life.
(And I say this as a woman who is definitely 'not on the other bus', lol).


Again, very attractive girl! Ditto about me 'not being on the other bus'.
Curious the way she handles her guitar, isn't it?
I thought for a long time there was something odd about the video until I realised she was playing the guitar like it was a harp!
Perhaps it is also meant to be played this way? (Where is our resident guitar-player Bellita when you need her, lol?)

Speaking of interviews, here's one of her. Agreed she sounds very interesting and intelligent.

Your dream(guitar)girl...
Well my dream(guitar)boy is rather different...

Off-topic, did you know he was the father of Norah Jones?
I only realised after he died :-(

Back on topic, no-one thinks the housewives deserve some credit for the way they look? Sure, they are not 21...but after many kids and 40+ years of life on Earth they did well to look like this, no?
C'mon, play fair. Throw 'em a bone. It's Christmas :-)

Emma said...

Haha, thanks for sharing that :) I liked the 1Pound Fish Man.

This Old Man said...

This was supposed to be a fantasy!

The women on your video are physically appealing enough for their age. However, that was not the point. The characters on the video offer few dimensions: they cook, they clean, they shop for groceries and they party.

I sense a strong undercurrent in the manosphere that all that women are good for ̶ all they should be good for ̶ is sex, cooking, cleaning and fawning over their men. You saw the reaction here when I suggested you aim high in your personal development and most of the response to the 30-something woman were attacks on her for having the temerity to be a lawyer and/or being 30 and not yet having a man to worship.

Zagamaphatoadis and I beg to disagree, or at least I do. There is, or can be, so much more to a woman than staying sexy, keeping house and chasing after the children. The woman of Proverbs 31 that PVW posted about in a previous thread, the one who is worth more than rubies, plants and grows and harvests and makes and sell things. She buys fields and provides for the household

17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

This is not the giggling, silly girl that the manosphere seem to favor, but rather the lighthouse of a previous metaphor who brings honor and wealth to her household and is such that

11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

And her prudence and providence make it so that

23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

About the holding of the guitar, I presume you mean the upright position; it is not that unusual for people who only play it sitting down. If you learn to play when you are little, the thing is too big for you to hold in the horizontal position and once you get used to that position you don’t mess with what works. It is also more intimate, you can feel the music embracing you in the chest as you play it. For people who play standing up, old-fashioned guitar slings pretty much force you to hold it horizontal so you modify your style accordingly. I’ve seen many people, especially women, hold it upright ̶ even Segovia held it in a similar manner.

About Norah Jones and Ravi Shankar, it must have been the first or second thing I learned about her after hearing her sing for the first time.

metak said...

And I was starting to think, that this 'brain gangba*g' was finally fading away... ;-) I guess, I was wrong. ;)
Op op op op oppan.. STFU! ;)
This is my new wet dream; a woman that comes from parallel reality and answers to my question with: "What's a Gangnam Style?", to which I kneel and beg her to take me with her... ;)

@ This Old Man

Your previous suggestion on personal development, goes against everything that Manosphere represents. That's why you don't see any stories about good wives and mothers, instead all focus is on the 'bad ones'. Manosphere is excellent dehumanization tool.

Spacetraveller said...

@ Emma,

Isn't he delightful?
He just seems like one of those men who loves women... It is so clear to see.
Even more special given that many Muslim men are branded (at least by Western women) as not exactly 'gynaephilic' if I may coin a new word.
And yet here is a Muslim man who is showing how much he likes women in a clean, fun manner.

@ TOM,

Nice fantasy :-)

"I sense a strong undercurrent in the manosphere that all that women are good for ̶ all they should be good for ̶ is sex, cooking, cleaning and fawning over their men."

I hope you are wrong on this, but I sense you may be right...

I love Proverbs 31 precisely because it goes well beyong pleasing a man (although a huge part of it is indeed pleasing a man!).
Men can only wish for what pleases them (in a woman). That is what the Manosphere men are doing: saying what they want.
A woman can please a man just by being feminine. But there are so many other aspects to her femininity that are also nothing to do with pleasing a man (and dare I say it, nothing to do with just pleasing herself either - but I won't go into this here).

You make a very important point!
As usual!

Yes, my comment was indeed about the upright guitar-holding. I have little experience of 'classical' guitarists (I like John Williams for instance, but that's about it). Most other guitarists I see are those who play standing up, eg. the rock band types, so I am not used to seeing the vertical thing.
I see your point about children necesarily having to use the vertical grip. Makes sense!


"And I was starting to think, that this 'brain gangba*g' was finally fading away..."

Sorry mate, you're out of luck on this one!

"This is my new wet dream; a woman that comes from parallel reality and answers to my question with: "What's a Gangnam Style?", to which I kneel and beg her to take me with her..."


Good luck with that one, Unicorn Hunter, lol.

"Your previous suggestion on personal development, goes against everything that Manosphere represents. That's why you don't see any stories about good wives and mothers, instead all focus is on the 'bad ones'."

Another excellent observation, Metak.

In many ways, you re-iterate a point you and TOM made a while back. Which is, that focusing on the bad stuff leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. You guys are absolutely right about this, I feel.
But in semi-defence of The Manosphere, they perhaps have no need to comment on what already works. They seek to fix (or at least discuss) what is not working. Hence the total lack of discussion about the good wives and mothers and the apparent obsession with the 'sluts' and 'b*tches'.

I can undesratnd this line of thinking, even if I don't wholly subscribe to it.

Each to his own, I guess.
Whatever works for one...

Emma said...

Haha, I'd be careful in judging whether someone loves women or not, by how he sings his songs ;) Gacy was a good clown, but it doesn't mean he was a nice loving person. Either way, the 1 pound fish man knows how to sing :)

And I would have to agree that the manosphere doesn't in general think women are good for anything other than taking care of families and raising good members of society. That's their general role. On the other hand, I have seen "masculine" women aknowledged in the manosphere. Those women that create something, or do a useful job building and maintaining things other than families. Manosphere thinks most working women would do a much better job being SAHMs, than whatever useless job they are doing at the moment. What do you think? Are they right? I haven't formed an opinion yet, but there is something to it. It seems many women don't like their jobs all that much, and would rather spend time with their kids. Also, a SAHm is not barred from self-development, it's not like you can't read books, for example.

Spacetraveller said...


Hahaha, yes, I do fall easily for these guys' charms, don't I, lol.
Although in all fairness to me I have also seen £1 fish man talk about his wife in some of his interviews, and that helped me to formulate this 'feeling' about him.
But of course, I could be wrong about this, granted!

As to what you ask, my opinion is also at the embryonic stage, and evolves quite a lot.
A year ago, I was of the opinion that SAHM was the ONLY way to go. Now (with the help of PVW and others), I think working outside of the home when one has children is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as it is for the overall good of the family, not just for the ego-stroking of the woman alone.
So if the husband is a millionaire and the children are super young, I would not have any sympathy for a woman who insisted on working, and then complained she was exhausted. On the other hand, a widow or single mother usually has to work. No choice in the matter. Most people fall somewhere inbetween, with the economic crisis making a nonsense of even the best of intentions...

With respect to education, I believe everyone should go as far as they can go, including women.
What one does with said education is what counts. In the case of women, if it is going to be used to look down one's nose at men in general, then the education was a waste of time.
If it is used to further one's development and broaden one's mind and to earn money to help look after a (potential) family, then the education would have been put to good use.
In this regard, I am very much on board with TOM and in particular his reference to Proverbs 31.
This is where I am stuck at the mo.
Let's see how my thoughts on this matter evolve further in the course of time, lol.

What about you? What are your thoughts on this issue so far?

metak said...

It's not only a matter of what works and what doesn't work. If it was only that simple. It's also about how you 'tackle' the problems. I was saying that those good women, that have traditional values and have/want to create a strong and loving family, should receive most of the attention. Focusing on good women, and appreciating them is also the best way to deal with those 'bad ones'. ;) Why waste time and energy on someone that doesn't even care? Sure, those 'Red Pills' and similar stories about 'evils of women' ;) have their place in the beginning to wake up some sleeping men, but that's only the first step. Second step would be: "Now that I know what I don't want, I can easily go after what I do want!". And so on... take control!

Your devotion to Manosphere is so 'cute', ST. ;-)

Spacetraveller said...


I like your suggestion for the Manosphere :-)

Stop focusing so much on the bad women and they just might disappear from view.
I can't argue with your logic :-)

I am not a devotee of The Manosphere pers se!
It is simply a case of having respect for a group of people who are tackling the problems of today's debauchery.

I also respect the men (who are not part of The Manosphere) who speak exclusively to women (eg. Andrew of 'The Rules Revisited') and women who seek to show other women how to be good, feminine women (eg. Stingray and Jacquie, and of course our dear Bellita).

Emma said...


I got a similar view on this as you. Work is work, it's for making money, and sometimes it's reasonable not to work. Why should a married woman work, if, for example, her money only pays enough to put kids in daycare and a few other things, that the family could actually do without (modern luxuries)? Then she just ends up where she started, except her kids get less quality time with a parent.

Spacetraveller said...

Exactly, Emma.